1. WinArc I Study Notes on M$ Press (first few chapters)
2. WinArc I Study Notes (~120 pages)
3. WinArc I braindump
4. WinArc I tests and .. (Transcender, M$, ...)
5. WinArc I Electronic book (electronic book for 70-160, 70-161, let me know if you couldn’t download it – I send it to you)
Also see in "other helpful links" section.

1. WinArc I Electronic book (electronic book for 70-160, 70-161, let me know if you couldn’t download it – I send it to you)
Also see in "other helpful links" section.

1. Architecture for developers  (the set of useful links - i hope so - to prepare to 70-100)
Also see in "other helpful links" section.

Also see in "other helpful links" section.

Also see in "other helpful links" section.

Also see in "other helpful links" section.

Also see in "other helpful links" section.


1. 70-176 already presented Transcender Test
Also see in "other helpful links" section.

Other helpful links.
1. Braindumps links and stuff like that  (Cert news, Cert sites, including MS, Sun, Novell, Cisco,  Free on-line testing)
2. Sergey Alexeev's page  (Training centers, some MCSE & MCSD links)
3. Discussion club (MCSD & MCSE Forum and also braindump in russian for MCSE)
4. Unofficial MCSD page(109 Q's for VB5, WinArc1, WinArc2 braindumps and much more)
5. Study Notes (70-024, 70-025,70-160,70-161)
6. VB5 Study notes
7. Giudes, books. Shortly say - another Amazon (A-Ten)
8. M$ page in Russian (M$ dev.park.ru)
9. Andrey Alexandrovsky page (MCSD & MCSE page, a lot of prep kits, a lot of docs)
10. VC, MFC tutorials at devcentral (Don't forget to take a look!)
11. Some info about all possible certificates (M$, Cisco, A+, etc)
12. Study Ring (Greate collection. A lot of study guides, braindumps and stuff like that)